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Wednesday 27 March 2019

The Raining Day.

Raining day

Once there was raining. A boy named Hamid was coming from school. He has to come home immediately because his guests were coming and he has a lot of work to do. He became worried. He waited for two hours in school and then he started to walk and suddenly the rain becomes fast. He started running, he ran and ran. He saw a shop. He wanted to eat something because he was so hungry. He went to that shop, he had some many and he bought a packet of chips from it. After eating it he took permission from the head of the shop that can he stay at the shop for some time. The shop head gave him permission. He waited there for fifteen minutes. The rain slowed. He asked the shopkeeper that can I phone my mother to inform that I will be home late. The shopkeeper gave permission and then Hamid informed his mother. When the rain becomes slow, he went from the show and ran very fast. When he was running, he stepped his foot on the dog’s tale. The dog was running behind the boy. Hamid was running as fast as he could. He watched behind that is the dog following him but the dog is stopped. Hamid went close to the dog and saw that something is hurting the dog’s foot. He saw that there is a pin attached with dog’s foot. He took out the pin and then dog licked him. After suffering many problems he reached home safely. When he reached home he was so wet and his foot was so muddy. His mom said “thank god! you have reached home safely. You don’t know how worried was I am. This is a great blessing of Allah that he saved you from strangers”.


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