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Thursday 21 February 2019

Personality development

Personality development

What is personality:

The personality is the outer change like gesture, attitude etc.

What is development:

Development means growth. Like if a person is poor and because of hard work he became rich but if the habits of poor people are in him so it means he is not developing.

Personality include:

  1.   Self-confident.
  2.   Goal setting.
  3.   Decision making.
  4.   Anger/Response.
  5.   Communication skills.
  6.   Time management.
  7.   Posture and gesture. (like sit or stand straight).
  8.   Manner.
  9.   Body language.

There are three types of development:

  1.   Physical development.
  2.   Mental development.
  3.   Emotional development.
In physical development you will only develop your health, hygiene and gesture etc.
In mental development only your mind will develop the other things can’t.
In emotional develop your emotions will grow up.


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