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Tuesday 19 February 2019

Human Rights

Human rights

Human rights:

Human rights are the rights of a human. Like we should talk with them nicely and sweetly, we should give time to them if they want freedom than give them etc. In human rights there are a lot of types:

Parents rights:

Parents love their child very much. In the relations of human, the best relation is of there parents. Respecting parents is the talk of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.HU). He said, “the dissatisfaction of father is the dissatisfaction of Allah”. Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) also said “the mother is the key of paradise. When they become old then we have to stay calm with them and if they speak a thing which you don’t like so don’t argue with them. Forgive that all.

Childs rights:

The children are the gift of Allah. Their protection, training, education, and marriage is the parent’s responsibility. The parents have to choose a good name for the child because its name will affect his personality.

Teachers rights:

Education takes a person from darkness to brightness. The person who teaches you a single word is known as a teacher. We have to respect them because they give us an education.  

Neighbors rights:

Living together is very important. Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said: “if your neighbor wants a borrow of a thing from you so give it to him, If he or she is ill so look after her or him, If he or she is happy congratulate him or her and if there is any problem with them, so solve it” etc.




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