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Tuesday 29 January 2019

Home Food and Restaurant food

Home food and restaurant food

What are they:

Home food is the food which cooks at home and restaurant food is the food which we order or go outside in a restaurant.

Benefits of Home food:

Home food is much good then outside because it is healthier and we know what is in it.
  ·       Low cost.
  ·       According to taste.
  ·       Fewer calories
  ·       Healthy
  ·       Hygienic
  ·       Mothers love


There are only a few disadvantages of Home food.
  ·       Not good for traveling.
  ·       If anyone dislikes your food your confidence level will decrease.
  ·       You have to clean up the rest over.
  ·       If you start doing another work and forget to check the food it will burn.

Restaurant food:

Restaurant food is not good for health because it also includes the fast food which we don’t know what is in it.
·       We don’t have to cook.
·       It is an easy job.
·       Don’t waste time


There are a lot of disadvantages of Restaurant food. Some of them are given below:
  ·       We don’t know what is in the food.
  ·       Sometimes it is not like our taste.
  ·       Takes a lot of money
  ·       More calories
  ·       Less hygiene
  ·       It doesn’t have the mothers love


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