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Tuesday 1 January 2019

Albert Eistein

Albert Einstein


“Much too fat! Much too fat!” Albert’s grandmother cried when she first saw him. The parents of Albert Hermann and Pauline Einstein worried about their son. That’s why Albert decided that he wouldn’t speak until he could talk in the whole sentence.

Early thinking:

Albert has a good sense of humor. He didn’t like other kids, he prefers to play violin alone. Albert didn’t like memorizing, and he wants to ask questions not answer them. Albert decided to attend the famous institute of technology. He studied hard for the entrance exam. The math and physics sections were easy but the French, Chemistry, and biology were tough for him and at last he failed in the exam. When he was of 17 the school bored him and he starts skipping the professor’s lectures and also talked back at professors. Even in labs, he didn’t listen to his professors but luckily, he got two good friends who shared their notes with him. 


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