Social media
What is social media:
Social media is a short name of media elements like Facebook, YouTube, Google, Instagram, etc. Instead of saying their names we can speak its short form. In social media we can do social work like we can post our pictures, educational things etc.
Why are the uses of social media and what are its advantages?
It is useful because we can gain knowledge from here and also give knowledge. We can see that what others are doing and we can also share our thoughts, ideas, experience, we can stop others if they are doing bad work or useless things etc. From social media we can listen to big and highly educated professors and the most important thing in Facebook or Snap chat or Instagram etc. the people are friends from a rich man to poor man, all our friends like they represent their self as a brotherhood.
Disadvantages of social media:
As we all know that if there are advantages of a thing there are also its disadvantages. The disadvantages are, weak of eyesight, don’t play outdoor games, don’t study, the people are doing hacking, frauds which are the great faults. We watch cartoons, movies, dramas instead of good videos like discoveries, speeches, projects etc.
What should we do:
We have to become a master in its advantages, we have to work on them not on disadvantages because we have reached on the top of disadvantages. So work hard and become successful by using social media.
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