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Thursday, 20 December 2018

Goal of life


What is meant by a goal?

Goal meaning is a dream, like what we want to do is our goal. 
How to make goals and their types:
There are two types of goals. One long-term goal and second short-term goal. The long-term goal is what we have to become after 10 or 20 years and the short-term goal is the branches to achieve that long-term goal. The short-term goal is very important to achieve the long-term goal.

The way of goals:

     Plan goals because without plans the goal is a wish.
     Write goals always and remember them.
     Goals are always: “SMART”
     S= specific
     M= measurable
     A= achievable
     R= Real
     T= time bound

Steps of goals:

     Write goals with SMART

Goal percent

1% people write their goals.
4% people learn oral their goals.
15% of people think about their goals.
80% people didn’t know about goals.


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