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Wednesday 26 December 2018

A story of Jinnah

A story of Jinnah

Once a man came at the Jinnah house. Somebody opened that door and saw an old person. His name was Nanji Jafar. He came in and sat on the chair. He said that I was in school with Jinnah and I played marbles with him in street. Nanji Jafar closed his eyes to remember more he said “one morning when I was playing in the street, Jinnah was of 14 and came up to me and said “Don’t play marbles in the dust; it spoils your clothes and dirty your hands. We must stand up and play cricket”. The other children of the street were obedient they gave up playing marbles and allowed Jinnah to lead them. When Jinnah was at the age of 16 and sailed to go England, Jinnah gave his bat to me and said: “You will go on teaching cricket to the boys while I am away”.


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